Reader in Film and Media Philosophy; Film Festival Consultant; Filmmaker; Composer; and Theater Director
Photograph by 攝影師: James Mudge
Victor Fan is Reader in Film and Media Philosophy at the Department of Film Studies, King’s College London. He was Assistant Professor at the Department of East Asian Studies, McGill University. Fan graduated with a Ph.D. from the Film Studies Program (now Film and Media Studies Program) and the Comparative Literature Department of Yale University, and an MFA in Film and Television Productions at School of Cinema-Television (now School of Cinematic Arts), University of Southern California. He is the author of Cinema Approaching Reality: Locating Chinese Film Theory (University of Minnesota Press, 2015), Extraterritoriality: Locating Hong Kong Cinema and Media (Edinburgh University Press, 2019), and Cinema Illuminating Reality: Media Philosophy through Buddhism (University of Minnesota Press, 2022). His articles have been published in peer-review journals including World Picture Journal, Camera Obscura, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Screen, Film History: An International Journal, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, anthologies A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder and American and Chinese-Language Cinemas, film magazines 24 Images: Cinéma, Dianying yishu [Film art], Zihua [Zifaa or Fleurs des lettres], and Siyi. His film The Well was an official selection of the São Paolo International Film Festival; it was also screened at the Anthology Film Archives, the Japan Society and the George Eastman House (now George Eastman Museum). Besides being a filmmaker and scholar, Fan is also a film festival consultant, composer, and theater director.
范可樂現職倫敦國王學院電影系電影及媒體哲學教授。他曾為麥吉爾大學東亞研究系助理教授。范氏於耶魯大學電影研究課程(今電影與媒介研究課程)暨比較文學系取得博士文憑,並於南加州大學影視學院(今電影藝術學院)影視製作系獲得美術碩士文憑。著有Cinema Approaching Reality: Locating Chinese Film Theory[電影逼真:尋找中國電影理論,明尼蘇達大學出版社,2015]、Extraterritoriality: Locating Hong Kong Cinema and Media[域外性:定位香港電影與媒體,愛丁堡大學出版社,2019]及Cinema Illuminating Reality: Media Philosophy through Buddhism[電影照見:以佛學探討媒體理論,明尼蘇達大學出版社,2022]三書。他的文章曾於World Picture Journal, Camera Obscura, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Screen, Film History: An International Journal, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture等同行評審學刊、A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder和American and Chinese-Language Cinemas等學術書籍、以及24 Images: Cinéma, 《電影藝術》、《字花》、《思逸》等雜誌出版。他的電影作品《井》為(巴西)聖保羅國際電影節選片;其後曾於Anthology Film Archives, 日本協會 及 George Eastman House (今George Eastman Museum)放映。除此之外,范氏亦為電影節顧問、作曲家、和劇場編導。